huge update! *MUST READ!*


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alright there has been a huge change in GF today. first off our admin Xeon has started to make arcade games! thats right arcade games that you can't find anywhere else on the net. and so far he has two which are pretty good games

thanks to Mr.K and his advertising methods GF is getting over 20 guests a day and 2-4 registers but little activity from the registers. so if you want access to Xeon's arcade games then you must do 5 posts.

in order to do this I edited the members group into the SS members (start screen members) when you make 5 posts you will be transfered to the GF members (Gamingforce members) which you get access to everything on the board (besides the gm (game master) rg (rare gamer) promotion).

Now SS members are still restricted some what for they can NOT see Arcade Tournaments, Cheat Corner and User Found Cheats, GFX and Requests, and Code Central.

so make 5 non spam posts and you will get access to the arcade games made by xeon and don't forget our 7 pages of arcade games as well.

also if you are a regular member who comes here and posts a lot and have over 5 posts and can't see the category for xeon's arcade games you need to make a non spam post and you will be put into the GF members group.

thank you for reading your admin Demon_Skeith
Its a very good idea, but you gotta get these games known. And put heavy copyright on them so people dont steal them.
Not a problem in the help page (press F1) it always says "by Xeon studio" and can't be change exept by me
So SS members are restricted from seeing the arcade games, is what it looked like. I hope this pervents them from taking the arcade games easily and claiming them as their own.
Well I'm starting to learn how to use it, I figure it out when I get deeper into the Program
QUOTE (MisterKalas @ April 03, 2008 07:18 am) So SS members are restricted from seeing the arcade games, is what it looked like. I hope this pervents them from taking the arcade games easily and claiming them as their own.
guests or SS members can not see it and if it dose get stolen we should figure out who did.
QUOTE (Hecter @ April 03, 2008 02:27 pm) DOES DAMMIMT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D-O-E-S..............

*kills self*
I kinda typed that fast so I didn't see that..... so your dead then? well we need a new admin of coding lol