Humble Origin Bundle


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Well, Since no one has posted in here for a bit, thought I'd inform everyone of the Humble Origin Bundle! It's probably the best deal you'll ever see, 9 games including Dead Space 3 and Battlefield 3, for about $5!

There's only 2 days left in this bundle, so get it while you can!
It's a charity organization that sells loads of indie games (and on rare occasions, like this one, big name games). It's not like steam because it isn't a DRM platform. They sell steam codes to the games though, and in this bundle they're also selling Origin codes. I've bought many humble bundles, so if my vote counts for anything I know them to be a very legitimate company that also does an awesome thing with charities.
One of my friends told me about this a while ago when it first started. A couple of days later, a Steam contact reminded me.

I told 'em both that I'd get it, but in the end, I did not. Yeah, the date is over.
I wouldn't have enough time on my hands to play it with my huge gaming backlog. Plus, I might get BF4 so picking up BF3 might delay my purchase.