I can't seem to make my mind up on something.

Ever had those moments where you can't decide between two or more things, knowing that you can only have one? Well... I'm having one of those moments. The thing is... I gotta make my mind up. Which seat can I take?

Oh... thanks. So..... er.... May 20th is a lovely er... day, right? Um... I believe I am expected to lower myself towards the ground today? It also appears that the days of Saturday and Sunday are within the eyes of everyone, which are of the forward direction of looking.

In English:
It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
I might make a tough decision soon. 3DS game or Portal 2?
I might make a tough decision soon. 3DS game or Portal 2?

Portal 2. Then add me on Steam and don't play co-op until I play it with you so I can get an achievement. So I can win a bet so I don't have to give a spaghetti dinner to a pair of poodles behind a restaurant.
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I hate walking into video game stores and finding two games I like/want to try and having to choose between them.

The other day I had $30 and went to Toys 'R' Us. Boy that was hard... A rare Raichu Pokemon card, a rare Celebi Pokemon card (both came with about 3 booster packs), Halo Megablocks, some Dragon Megablocks, and Super Mario figurines. I could only afford 2 things and pondered for almost an hour. I settled on the Raichu card and as I was leaving I bought a Riolu plush toy.
This thread is a month late.
I might make a tough decision soon. 3DS game or Portal 2?

Portal 2. Then add me on Steam and don't play co-op until I play it with you so I can get an achievement. So I can win a bet so I don't have to give a spaghetti dinner to a pair of poodles behind a restaurant.
Ummm... WHAT.

Anyways, I have this problem all the time. Even when I have to eat something. Just this morning I had two boxes of cereal to choose from, and both were cereals I rather enjoyed. I stood there for 5 minutes weighing up the pros and cons of both cereals before finally eating "the crunchy one".
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I might make a tough decision soon. 3DS game or Portal 2?

Portal 2. Then add me on Steam and don't play co-op until I play it with you so I can get an achievement. So I can win a bet so I don't have to give a spaghetti dinner to a pair of poodles behind a restaurant.

sounds like you are someone to make bets with lol
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I picked up on it from the very first post. When I said this thread was a month late, I meant that last month was the month that this song really became known. I first watched it when it only had a mere 9,000 views, and now it has over 100,000,000. They grow up so fast.
I might make a tough decision soon. 3DS game or Portal 2?
I would wait until a 3ds game came out.E3 is almost here ya know.And youl have $20 left over *shifty eyes
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I picked up on it from the very first post. When I said this thread was a month late, I meant that last month was the month that this song really became known. I first watched it when it only had a mere 9,000 views, and now it has over 100,000,000. They grow up so fast.

I knew about it... er... about a month ago. I just decided to revive some evilness. But I will be honest... the people who say things like she should cut her hands, or should get an eating disorder to make her look pretty and stuff, and actually making her cry should not deserve to live, IMO.