I forgot my username and password so I created an alt.

Seriously, can this please stop?

Allow me to copy and paste something from the sign in page, but emphasize an important part:

Sign In
Enter your sign in name and password

* Username:
* Password:
I've forgotten my password

OK, see that? Yeah, below where you type in your password.
"I've forgotten my password"... can people PLEASE use that? I'm getting fed up with people keep making the fact they forgot their password as an excuse to make an alt *looks at S_ and linkthehero*
I see no problem with it, if they use said account to contact me.
The problem is that if you forget your password, use the "I've forgotten my password".
You have a choice of entering your e-mail, OR your username. If you somehow forgot your username, as well, then you should at LEAST know the e-mail address. If there's a rare chance that you can't remember your e-mail, username OR password at the same time, then you have the memory of a goldfish that suffers memory loss (and that's saying something)