Deviant Shadow
Miley Cyrus, world-wide teen star?
A star bound to crash and burn with in about 5-6 years. Yes.
Her mission appears to be to destroy music as we know it.
But, with her popularity, come money, and that will be the main cause of her destruction.
Daddy'll save her? Doubt it.
Things won't go wrong until a) She hits 18, or B) her popularity begins to wane (fall), in which, she'll have huge scores of money, and not know how to spend it.
Miley = Brittany
Brittany Spears, a perfect failure, teen star driven to self-destruction, through greed and stupidity, may be a foreshadowing to Miley's future.
Miley's liking won't last forever (predicted end, 2010-2013), her fan-base will grow up, and start to hate her with age, much like Brit, causing her to do things for attention.
Bad things, drugs, partying, sex, booze, they'll all lead to major problems in her life, children rehab, and increasing attention from the paparazzi will only increase her chance of repeating the mistakes. Because of this basic mentality among stars:
Stupid things get me attention, l need attention, so...... more parties and drugs, and drunken shenanigans for me!
Positive Results?
Don't deny the fact that this could go the other way either.
She could use Hannah Montana to launch a huge multi-billion dollar empire, dolls, video games, CDs, MP3s, and DVDs, and a TV show, which might set her on a path that'll bring hundreds of billions of dollars her way, making her the next Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs.
The empire, will bring heiresses into the mix, which will (probably) have the results mentioned in Miley=Brittany, for her kids.
A star bound to crash and burn with in about 5-6 years. Yes.
Her mission appears to be to destroy music as we know it.
But, with her popularity, come money, and that will be the main cause of her destruction.
Daddy'll save her? Doubt it.
Things won't go wrong until a) She hits 18, or B) her popularity begins to wane (fall), in which, she'll have huge scores of money, and not know how to spend it.
Miley = Brittany
Brittany Spears, a perfect failure, teen star driven to self-destruction, through greed and stupidity, may be a foreshadowing to Miley's future.
Miley's liking won't last forever (predicted end, 2010-2013), her fan-base will grow up, and start to hate her with age, much like Brit, causing her to do things for attention.
Bad things, drugs, partying, sex, booze, they'll all lead to major problems in her life, children rehab, and increasing attention from the paparazzi will only increase her chance of repeating the mistakes. Because of this basic mentality among stars:
Stupid things get me attention, l need attention, so...... more parties and drugs, and drunken shenanigans for me!
Positive Results?
Don't deny the fact that this could go the other way either.
She could use Hannah Montana to launch a huge multi-billion dollar empire, dolls, video games, CDs, MP3s, and DVDs, and a TV show, which might set her on a path that'll bring hundreds of billions of dollars her way, making her the next Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs.
The empire, will bring heiresses into the mix, which will (probably) have the results mentioned in Miley=Brittany, for her kids.