I hate the future of gaming


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The future of gaming is pretty clear, it will be mostly dominated by digital content that I doubt you can come to own easily or cheaply.

I am in my early 20s and I consider myself a old school gamer, I want big screens, I want to own my games and they should come with a printed manual. Clearly that will never be happening again sadly and I don't see ISP becoming stable enough to allow daily digital stuff.

A few weeks ago it took me five hours to download a 11GB game and in that time I could have went to the store and be back in 20 mins and still have over 4 hours to play it. I really do feel that game companies are rushing into this as they got nothing else to show right now and if this is what things will become then google fiber needs to get the hell everywhere.
I also dislike the future of gaming because there are too many weird controllers like the Kinect, Playstation Move, Wii mote, and Wii U tablet controller.

I'm fine with small Indie games like Minecraft being download-only, and cheaper Steam games during the Steam summer sale. But, I prefer physical disc for consoles.

Maybe Arcades and Gaming Internet Cafe with Gaming PC and game consoles will be more popular like they used to be since the games are already installed in Arcade machines and Gaming Cafe which are pretty popular in places like China and South Korea.
I'm fine with the digital game downloads even though it takes a long time to fully download the games (but hey, the next gen consoles have cool features such as Play Go etc that allows you to play a game while it's being downloaded / tbh, that would have been really cool if it was available for the Wii U). Back to digital releases, it's the cheaper option for me, see. 
Marc said:
I'm fine with the digital game downloads even though it takes a long time to fully download the games (but hey, the next gen consoles have cool features such as Play Go etc that allows you to play a game while it's being downloaded / tbh, that would have been really cool if it was available for the Wii U). Back to digital releases, it's the cheaper option for me, see. 
I also like digital game downloads when they are cheaper. I can probably get 10 older games for $60-70 on Gog.com, Steam, Humble Bundle, and other online digital stores. I think it is now possible to buy games on a Smartphone with the Steam App, and if your computer is ON,  you can login to your computer from a Smartphone and tablet to tell it to install your Steam games even when you are away from home like at school, or work.
Not really liking the future of gaming the way it stands right now either with digital download being pushed more and more yet as you say internet companies are not ready for such big demand. I personally prefer myself also to own the physical game and be able to go out, get it and come back without having to wait hours for it to download.

They are pushing this too much and not thinking about the cons of it all that people are starting to know work out and hate. Don't get me wrong some of the prices for digital games are great especially for older games and you can sometimes get them cheaper than the store but the download time and the fact it's not a physical copy I'm not so keen on.
I'm hoping Sony and Microsoft go for the digital path and Nintendo remain making and release games as physical copies.

Being in my late 20's, I grew up with the NES - N64 and I will always prefer to have physical copies of a game.  Which is why I collect consoles because I want to secure that good feeling.

It sucks, but we gotta accept it and roll with the waves, lest we get knocked over.   Hopefully Nintendo stays true.
Nintendo isn't staying true, they already have done digital only downloads.

I actually rather just see install media being sold for games, you know instead of selling a disc just get a USB that installs the game onto your game system.
The element you speak of does not bother me too much. I hate all of this active technology though like the Project Morpheus and the Wii move remotes and so on. I love playing with a controller as I have done for years. End of. 
Also the amount of games that come out each year. You can only play so many MMO's with the amount of play time and hours. I have many types of games that I like but can't reach the end game content of all of them. Company's need to work together to make stronger games that build off each other to make one huge sandbox game!
Man, thats not the future of gaming, the future is VR, its way too easy buy and download the game without leave your house.
I am not much of a Console Gamer to hate the future of gaming :P

even tho I like CDs and BOX and CD covers..etc

but as a PC gamer fellow I enjoy the ease of digital gaming mostly love it when its on sale
The only thing I like about the future of gaming is the increased graphics.

Everything else is just goign down hill fast.

DC is crap and so is add on content like this topic author stated.

I find myself buying less and less and waiting for only a few good games.

I think gaming reach it's peak around when ps3 and x-box 360 first came out (minus the hardware failure stuff).

Now it's sinking like the titantic :\ 

I'm still going to get ps4 and x-box one but I doubt I will get that many games (probably just a select few that I must get).
I was complaining about this over in another forum a couple of months ago. With that I did mention that digital downloading is somewhat of a money grabbing scam.

The whole stink of it is these companies are now earning just as much money from releasing a cheap $5 angry birds thing than some huge Assassins Creed game. It's so bad that larger companies are delaying of making new games and re-releasing one's that are only a year old yet again to try to earn some easy dollars.

It's sad and I hope it ends soon.

Never in my life I've had such a limited list of games that I'm looking forward to getting for a newer system.
AidsorHIV said:
I was complaining about this over in another forum a couple of months ago. With that I did mention that digital downloading is somewhat of a money grabbing scam.

The whole stink of it is these companies are now earning just as much money from releasing a cheap $5 angry birds thing than some huge Assassins Creed game. It's so bad that larger companies are delaying of making new games and re-releasing one's that are only a year old yet again to try to earn some easy dollars.

It's sad and I hope it ends soon.

Never in my life I've had such a limited list of games that I'm looking forward to getting for a newer system.
Angry Birds cost $1, and older versions maybe free, or ad-supported. A lot of the newer Angry Birds like Angry Birds Go, Stella, and Epic are free because they earn money from in-app purchases, and ads. I think a lot of these digital games make a lot of money is because they cost under $6, or less when there is a sale going on, so many people can afford it, and the game company still makes a lot of money from digital sales because they don't need to package games with a Disc box, make the disc, and game manuals, and also pay for the shipping and handling to deliver the game to a store, or your house if you ordered online.

I bought a few games from Google Play, and the Amazon App store mainly because they cost $1-5, and the games like Gangster Vegas, Minecraft Pocket Edition, and Real Drift look interesting for a $1-5 game, and I had some money in my giftcard account for Amazon, and Google Play.
HiRo said:
The only thing I like about the future of gaming is the increased graphics.

Everything else is just goign down hill fast.

DC is crap and so is add on content like this topic author stated.

I find myself buying less and less and waiting for only a few good games.

I think gaming reach it's peak around when ps3 and x-box 360 first came out (minus the hardware failure stuff).

Now it's sinking like the titantic :\ 

I'm still going to get ps4 and x-box one but I doubt I will get that many games (probably just a select few that I must get).
indie game still has hope, specially with titles like shovle knight.
I'm really against digital downloads. I don't think they will ever go fully with digital downloads because I think every one will always want that guarantee of a physical copy that they have full access to. Corporate companies want more control over their consumers so they want us to do digital download that way they can monitor every sell and how many people are buying. The sad thing is, its a con. We're not really buying anything, we're renting so long the server is up and running and so long we don't delete our digital copy. Its one huge corporate con. We're all being ripped off.