I have a tough decision...


Player of all consoles!
Ok, here's the deal.

There are several games that I want, BUT I only have enough for ONE GAME.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time - Wii

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time - DS

Epic Mickey - Wii (coming soon.)

I didn't ask for any of these games for Christmas... So what one should I get?

I know that one of them,
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time on the Wii is a port, but which one is better? Wii or DS? And should I forget about these games for now and go for Epic Mickey?
Well I've played FF The Crystal Cronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Have you played another FFTCC game? Because if not then let me tell you it is nothing like FF. I've never played any other FF game, but I know FF is and RPG and FFTCC games are not RPG's. So I'd go for Epic Mickey. Even though I know nothing about it.
Depends. Are you familiar with Epic mickey?

I've seen quite a bit of the game, and it looks great!

Well I've played FF The Crystal Cronicles: The Crystal Bearers. Have you played another FFTCC game? Because if not then let me tell you it is nothing like FF. I've never played any other FF game, but I know FF is and RPG and FFTCC games are not RPG's. So I'd go for Epic Mickey. Even though I know nothing about it.

No, I have to say I haven't really played much FF at all. So its definitely not an RPG game? Than 'll probably go for Epic Mickey. I would've gone for the FF game if it was an RPG.
Yeah it's hard to explain. I'm pretty sure though. I don't remember leveling or getting exp.
Ok, thanks to the both of you! I'll get Epic Mickey. There's a couple of videos about it on Youtube, its worth checking out I reckon.
You're welcome, Y64!
I've played Echoes of Time, but I'd say get Epic Mickey. Echoes of Time is a bit like Super Paper Mario, in the fact that you still level up and have HP and MP, but it's real-time combat. It gets a little bit boring, and it's only really fun with other people. So yeah, Epic Mickey gets the a-ok from me as well.