I hope this is fake, Square Enix being stupid...


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Square also insisted, according to the Anderssons, that the firm fax it the game’s code and music files.

They still use fax machines? I know older Japanese business figures are a bit behind the times, but this is ridiculous if true. Fax the code? So what, they had to print the whole thing on paper, send it across by fax, have Square print it, test it and send back feedback?

Hello, just let them e-mail the program or something?

As for music files? That's definitely impossible.

It is as silly as it sounds,” said Bo Andersson. “It is an impossible requirement, you can not send ASCII or binary codes on the fax. It is backward. Really retarded. It was almost a criminal activity.

You bet.

It should have, instead, been sending all its work to Square’s legal division

Why? This is illogical... you don't send your books to the publishing companies legal team first, nor do that with other games, TV shows, films, etc.

So, to test the waters at Square a bit, and to see if it was even paying attention, GRIN sent it some concept art from taken straight from Final Fantasy XII .The Anderssons were told: “It does not look like Final Fantasy.”

God this is an old ploy. But it does show Square is careless...

Is the interview true? Possibly, I don't know.
What a controversial article there. Part of me thinks they might be making stuff up, but the other part thinks maybe there's a bit of truth in what they're saying. This is the first I've heard of Square Enix being shoddy, however.