I should be safe


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It's been exactly 2 weeks now since I've exited my retail job and I can safely say *knock on wood* that I should no longer be in any danger of getting Covid. My current job is extremely safe and work from home if I choose, and if I do go out I take very careful precautions and always wipe my stuff down with Clorox wipes when I get home.

Still those of you who work in a public setting, I wish you the very best in safe and health!
Well DS at now hard times just choose work from home if it's accepted all time and avoid going out regularly
You're lucky. I have to work with the public currently. Even though the governor of my state has enacted an executive order saying you are to wear a mask in public, there are still a few folks who refuse to wear a mask when they go out in public. They think the whole Covid-19 is just a hoax and don't believe it exists.
Well DS at now hard times just choose work from home if it's accepted all time and avoid going out regularly

I'd rather not, I don't have an office space and would have to work out of my bedroom, I do not, if it can be help, have to sleep eat and play in the same room I have to work from.

You're lucky. I have to work with the public currently. Even though the governor of my state has enacted an executive order saying you are to wear a mask in public, there are still a few folks who refuse to wear a mask when they go out in public. They think the whole Covid-19 is just a hoax and don't believe it exists.

Yeah, I've dealt with people like that. I saw a post on facebook even, the guy completely dismissed it, his covid obituary was posted a few weeks later. Karma.
I have been doing work from home for almost 4.5 months now.
It's the safest option unless you have to go out for something
I wear a mask when I'm out in public because I don't want to end up with a misdemeanor on my record. I'm not going to get a record over the Covid-19.
That is good to hear. I'm working from home as well and it's quite nice to know that we're safe and get to save money on travel.
Glad to hear you're safe now. Working retail in this pandemic must have been one of the scariest things ever, especially in a place like the US where staying safe isn't seen as too important.
Glad to hear you're safe now. Working retail in this pandemic must have been one of the scariest things ever, especially in a place like the US where staying safe isn't seen as too important.

oh my god it has been so horrbile, the last few months of my retail life have been far worse than the last three years combine. Just look at the retail reddits, people are pissed or crying. I'm willing to bet half the forum a karen is going to get the shit beaten out of them before end of the year.