I would like Signature if possible


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Full GL Member
Hi, i have no tim to create a sig, nor do my things upload properly. Could somebody make me one? Just a fairly big one with a red fading into black background, and epic pictures of a blooper, Mario, Rayquaza, (Pitt)Kid Icarus, And link. Thank you. :P
Alright, I'll bite.
If you we're to pick only 2 of the characters, which ones would you take? I find that "less is more" in that the more you have equals the less you see, if that makes sense. (More you have, the more it disrupts something else, such as text.)
Know that i think about it,i dont even know how to signature.^^^ You!Dragon person!Tell me how to do/make one!
Know that i think about it,i dont even know how to signature.^^^ You!Dragon person!Tell me how to do/make one!

1. I have a name. LITERALLY above my av. Even initials will work.

2. That's just frikin' rude. You don't go talking to people and telling them to teach you. At least have some manners when you ask.

3. I don't have to if I don't want to. Especially with rudeness like that, chances of me showing/teaching just got very slim.
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Ok cool Post your finished Signatures below and ill pick the best one. Or you could link me to a download... Atrius .1 Blooper .2 Link But i would like more, ill see how it turns out. Thank you guys very much for offering! <3
Yes I do Want my name

Good thing, because I was going to leave it blank. J/K but here's mine:


Per usual: lemme know if you need changes.

I Might actually be able to throw in one more character if you'd like in the center. Just realized how much open space there is on that spot.

Ed-I did do a black into red version, if you'd like to see that one instead.
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Yes I do Want my name

Good thing, because I was going to leave it blank. J/K but here's mine:

Per usual: lemme know if you need changes.

I Might actually be able to throw in one more character if you'd like in the center. Just realized how much open space there is on that spot.

Ed-I did do a black into red version, if you'd like to see that one instead.

Hey AK nicely done. It looks good man.
Know that i think about it,i dont even know how to signature.^^^ You!Dragon person!Tell me how to do/make one!

1. I have a name. LITERALLY above my av. Even initials will work.

2. That's just frikin' rude. You don't go talking to people and telling them to teach you. At least have some manners when you ask.

3. I don't have to if I don't want to. Especially with rudeness like that, chances of me showing/teaching just got very slim.

Damn he is rude.All you have to do is explore with your profile a bit and then you find the signature thingy.It was nothing too hard,I'm new but I found it QUICK.

Wait,I see a thread...
How do i get the icon? Can i download it somehow

Just copy & paste the URL into your sig and add on the image tags.
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