Idiot texters


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The woman in the “Woman Falls In Fountain” video that has gone viral on YouTube has reportedly hired a lawyer so she can sue the mall where it happened. You can watch the video below, and listen to the mall rent-a-cops laughing at her. Cathy Cruz Marrero, the woman in the video who was so intent on her texting she didn’t notice a giant pool of water in her path, told ABC on the “Good Morning America” that she thinks the mall security was negligent in how they handled what happened.

“My issue is I don’t think security was professional because they didn’t send anyone to check on me until 20 minutes later and I had already left… Instead of laughing, they should have said, ‘Is she OK?’ and been down there right away to check on me,” she said.

The housekeeping person in the video did go check on her though, so I doubt she has much of a case, although it’s really poor taste that someone posted a security video on YouTube. Our lives are so transparent now!

ABC is also reporting that Ms. Marrero was in court today for a hearing on five felony counts that involve her allegedly using someone else’s credit cards without permission. She also has several prior convictions for retail theft, and has been convicted of a hit-and-run charge, according to

Strangely enough, she actually works at the mall where this happened, the Berkshire Mall in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. You’d think someone with her record wouldn’t be able to get a job at a mall.

UPDATE: The Reading Eagle newspaper reports that the security firm at the mall has fired the security guard responsible for posting the video of Cathy Cruz Marrero falling into fountain on YouTube.


the lady should sue herself for being a blind texter.
What is strange is the lady seem to keep on walking even after she realized something is blocking her from walking since she lifts her right leg to go over the wall, but her right foot hooks the fountain wall because she did not lift her leg high enough making herself trip into the fountain.

It is kind of weird that she works at the mall according to the article, but does not know there is a fountain where she is walking. I expect someone who spends a lot of time working and walking around the mall to know there is a fountain on the path they are walking on.

This could be one of her schemes to sue the mall for cash since she has a pretty bad criminal history according to the article:

"Ms. Marrero was in court today for a hearing on five felony counts that involve her allegedly using someone else’s credit cards without permission. She also has several prior convictions for retail theft, and has been convicted of a hit-and-run charge, according to"
I'll admit that it looks a bit weird, but I'm one of those people that reads a book while they walk, and I hit the steps a few times at school because I didn't see them.
I'm sorry but she should have just watched where she was going. The last time I've been to the mall, I've noticed that they have benches and sitting areas. In the case, she very easily could have just sat down to text the person she was talking to, and that would have been it.

It makes me sick when the idiots on this planet expect the world to accommodate their stupidity.