IE breaks 55% market share as three-month old IE10 passes 1%; Chrome is only browser to decline


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Between December and January, Internet Explorer gained 0.37 percentage points (from 54.77 percent to 55.14 percent) and Firefox was up 0.12 percentage points (from 19.82 percent to 19.94 percent). Chrome meanwhile fell a whopping 0.56 percentage points (from 18.04 percent to 17.48 percent), though it gained more share the previous month. Safari didn’t budge at all and Opera picked up 0.04 percentage points.


Wow, I'm surprise IE still have so many users.
Must be because the Xbox 360 and Windows Phone also uses IE which increases the amount of users from consoles, smartphones, and the Windows 8 RT Tablets which were recently released which only have IE for it.

It also might be from the increase number of Windows 8 buyers from the $40 sale upgrade for XP-7, and $15 Windows 7 to 8 sale who use IE to download other browser, or to try out IE for a while before downloading other browsers.
Who cares? This is inaccurate, anyway, IIRC it's more like Chrome-level popularity, dipping in popularity for weekends and holidays.