If you can have any superpower...


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If you can have any superpower - which one would you want to have?

For me, my top 2 would be:
Teleportation - to be able to travel anywhere in the world in an instant.
Healing - to be able to heal myself and others with just the touch of my hand. 
Either the power of shadows or the power of karma to make karma happen instantly for those who deserve it.
My Top 2 Would Be 
  • The Power To Control The Elements 
  • The Power To Have Any Power lol if that doesn't count then the one below this one 
  • The Power of Mind Control
Kryptonian biology.

We have a yellow sun. 

That's a pretty solid power since then I get heat vision, flight, super strength, super speed, invulnerability, enhanced regeneration (for those rare times damage is induced), ice breath and etc... All in one neat package. And who wouldn't want to be able to fly? 
Plus if for some reason I ever had to fight, opponent is basically screwed. I can bench press a planet and move multiple times faster than light speed. I get one punch off and they're reduced to atoms. Or I can just fry them with a look. Most fights are over before they know one's started. Even reactive adaption would be hard pressed to keep up there. 

Barring that due to it being kinda cheap and possible not a permitted power... having Mystique's shapeshifting powers would be pretty cool. 
I think just the ability to not need sleep & not get tired. It sounds pretty basic at the start but I would have so much more time to do what I wanted to and enjoy life and work harder to get places.
I think just the ability to not need sleep & not get tired. It sounds pretty basic at the start but I would have so much more time to do what I wanted to and enjoy life and work harder to get places.

you realize that working places would make you work longer hours right? Giving you less to do in life.
Reading people's minds or hearing their thoughts could get overwhelming, especially if you could't turn it off. I think moving fast, similisr to The Flash, would be helpful in every day life.
If you can have any superpower - which one would you want to have?

For me, my top 2 would be:
Teleportation - to be able to travel anywhere in the world in an instant.
Healing - to be able to heal myself and others with just the touch of my hand.

Hmmm... I'd probably like the ability to self heal myself and others, and then I'd also like to be able to fly. Flying would be amazing!
I’d like my superpower to be the ability to heal. So, i could heal those that were sick and give the ability to never get sick again. if i could pick another superpower, flying would be my second choice.
Quantum immortality. If there was ever a situation in my life that I was in danger or terminated, it would be as if it never happened because that day is replaced with one where it wouldn't be. With the potential to live forever with technological advances and automation.
Probably the power to fly
Easily the power of functionally unrestrained creation. Basically, it means that you can create anything with a thought, and that matter you make can have any function, so I can give myself more powers by touching that matter and becoming a god.