If You Could Only Play One Game/Series For The Rest Of Your Life


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What would you choose? If you could pick only one game or series to play for the rest of your life. This means if any sequels come out, you can play them, but no other games. Spinoffs/remakes are allowed also.
So if you were to choose Halo, you could only play Halo 1, 2, 3, 4 Reach, ODST, Halo Wars, etc.
I think I would probably choose Grand Theft Auto. It's the series with the most replayability in my opinion.
Something with online like GTA V or Destiny, that way you are always interacting with people.
I'd go with the Grand Theft Auto series as well. I don't see it ending anytime soon, so would have a good chance of having many future games to play. Can also spend a lot of time in the open-world and in multiplayer without getting bored.
I would've picked Deus Ex but the sequels don't come quick enough, so I might as well go with The Witcher. Although that might be cheating because I didn't play any of the games yet. But they do seem big and long enough to warrant that choice.
If I could play only one series from now on, it would be either FIFA or GTA. While granted they might not be games that suit everyone's taste, they do have huge online communities and these days I think that's one of the most important things to look for.
I can't really chose something,but I would like something with multiplayer.Like Counter Strike.Since the games is so competitive it keeps making me want to play it and I would not get bored so easily
Definitely the Halo series. I could easily see myself playing each Halo over and over until I throw my Xbox out the window. I was so addicted to Halo back when the series had just emerged and to this day I am still a fan. Hopefully it will never have to come down to that though.
The Arma series is the first one that comes to mind. It has many modes, having new missions/scenarios/terrains is a matter of making them, and you'll always have something new to play with (only need to make it). Want something less serious? Insurgency modes, Wasteland or King of the Hill. Do you want something much more "milsim"? You can have it too. Racing (although the driving is not that good). Roleplaying (Arma Life!). And so far, I just can't get tired of running missions with a group.

However, giving it some thought I would go for Unreal Tournament or Quake (because, again, you can just mod them so heavily they might as well be their own games). They are simply better made games, and they are much more versatile in what they can do. And at least with Quake, I know that I just love playing FPS Arena games :D
DotA 2 easily. The gameplay will never remain static since the balance patches hit every two months or so. In fact a lot of people I know play only DotA (and they play a lot). I was one of them too until I got my hands on CSGO. It's another game I absolutely love.
If you asked me this question a few years back, I would've said Team Fortress 2. But now, well, I'm not too keen on multiplayer games. Right now I'd choose The Witcher series because of its rich lore and mod options.
Elder Scrolls skyrim or Civilization series. Both series have been going a long time and don´t look like they will be ending soon and both games offer really unlimited replay-ability. I would almost say WOW, which I played since almost the day it started, but even with WOW I had to play other games in the middle, even other MMORPGs.
Elder Scrolls skyrim or Civilization series. Both series have been going a long time and don´t look like they will be ending soon and both games offer really unlimited replay-ability. I would almost say WOW, which I played since almost the day it started, but even with WOW I had to play other games in the middle, even other MMORPGs.
Would you choose vanilla Skyrim (or any other TES game for that matter) or would you mod the heck out of it? For me vanilla edition starts to get on my nerves after some 20ish hours. But once I started modding Skyrim, I couldn't stop until it was just ridiculous :D
Hard to choose between GTA and Final Fantasy. Latter has some pretty weird installments every now and then, but then again I'm not sure I'd stand GTA long enough either - at least there's new Final Fantasy games every now and then. So I'd go with Final Fantasy franchise.