If you had an idea for a video game and you knew how to create it, would you?


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As gamers, we sometimes get ideas for games that we would like to bring to life but simply can't due to the fact that we don't know where to start when it comes to making a video game.

Maybe you were playing a game and it gave you an idea of something you would like to see in a video game that you have never seen before.

If you had a unique idea and you had the skills and knowledge to create it, would you?
Unfortunately, creating video games is well above my pay grade but if I believe that I've got an incredible idea of what can be put into a game, if it's possible to sell that idea, I will look into that possibility.
If I had the idea and skills, I will definitely want to create a basketball game. That is one of those games that I will like to have my name attached to.