If you link more to your website from other traffic, does it equal more traffic?


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Yes, more links usually equal more traffic if you just use your signature links, or use your link as a source for a topic and post quality replies, and topics.

I think it probably be best to just keep posting quality posts on your own site, and occasionally tell your members, other forums like Forum Promotions about what's new at your site instead of spending too much time linking to your site from other sites.

But, if you spam your links in a spammy way on forums, blogs, and social networks, Google and other search engines will most likely ban you from their search engines, and you lose most or all of your search traffic when the search engine finds out about your spammy links.

Most of the forums, blogs, and social networks will also delete your links and ban you as well which mean no refferal traffic from those sites.
you need to keep good quality posts on your forum while getting the link out.

Running a forum is no walk in the park as I've learned these past 5 years.
I agree, you need to get more quality post, do post exchanges, and tell people about your forum which requires a lot of work.
Been running forums now myself for around 5 years and even I know it is not easy to get your forum out there, as said above adding your link to other forums you use I find that the easy part if you are a regular poster on other forums but the hard part is getting your SEO right and also keeping a steady flow of new content on your forum so that your guests and members have something to post in.
I agree getting the SEO is very hard, and promoting your site on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and other sites can be just as hard since there are so many people who also use social networks to promote their sites.
I know of a guy who promoted a forum a lot, and made a forum super popular, but also left the forum and forum become less popular. He also did a lot of post exchanges with other forums.