If you're depressed, seek help!


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Sadly today I had to attend the funeral of a dear friend, which my friend went missing late last year leading to a long and frantic search for him. Ultimately his body was found a few weeks ago along a river embankment, which all we can gather from all the evidence is that he drank too much, depression took over, and he jump to his death, intentionally or by accident, we will never know.

His depression wasn't known, but the evidence of his life would suggest it now that I look at things differently. All that can be asked, is that if you're having trouble, please seek help or reach out to a friend.
It's also finding the right person to get help with!!

Might get the wrong person and get even worse right?
As Dan has said, you may not think that taking your life will have an affect on people that know you, but I know from experience that it does.

Not only that, but I have seen research which suggests that suicide is most common when two things are present: a social void in a person's life and a sense of being a burden on others. If one can identify the positive ways one has impacted others, one is less likely to feel like a burden and less likely to reach a crisis point.
Being wanted is an innate desire, and during depression, that desire is often unfulfilled but when you know that you're wanted and that desire is fulfilled, you feel a lot better and happier.