IF/ZB/Opinion rant


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Full GL Member
3 rants in one

You can hate IF or ZB(I sure as hell do). but if you are going to slam them, please do it to their face, as to let them defend themselves, not saying that its okay.

And also on the spamming of it, what would you think if some noob did that with ZB? I personally would think its tacky, and is one reason I avoid certain services(IFSZ), but nine times out of ten, its not a staff member that does it, Its the exact same thing and it would be like me dropping a link to my forum in every other word of all my posts, it looks like s**t, makes the person seem stupider and just effortlessly pisses everyone off.

As for ZB itself, its not bad... they oversimplified it to the point of just about any self-respecting person that would use a free software(not saying that its wrong to do that, I sure as hell do) would hate it. The ACP has good points, but its so simplified that you have to think about where a setting is. And the same could be said about any IPB version(to this post). So you just go back to looking like a hypocrite, a prick, and an ass(Not flaming, stating a personal opinion.).

But still I think that you should have a personal opinion that wont get you spammed. I mean damn, ZB is bad, but its not the s**t that everyone makes it out to be. Question you all might be wondering at this time, would I use ZB, answer. hell f***ing no, JFB is better... IN MY OPINION, others may not feel the same way.

I never used them as an admin, but as a member of forums that runs on invisionfree and ZB. I find them to be decent.
it is a fact that JFB is far better then IF/ZB. but I don't hate IF/ZB expect I don't care for ZB's look. But I believe people hate them due to either their look or that the forum is just to simple to use.
I like IF, Zetaboards bother me.... I really hate c-box c-boxes that normally depends what kind of fourm I join (I like chatango)