I'm That Girl


I'm that girl
Who smiles quietly during class
Who laughs with her friends
Who plays a perfect daughter
Who cries in her room
Who hides behind a mask made of lies
Who lost all their hopes and dreams
Who thought about letting the dagger of pain pierce her heart
Who hides behind the smiling mask
Who's cries of anguish are never heard
Who tears are never saw in the endless storm of society
Who is counted as a freak or perfect
Who has let red sin run down their wrists once
Who can't stand the screaming inside
Who acts mature but is a wanting child behind it all
Who prays for acceptence but who won't try and will depend on "God" to help
Who wants to be free
Who will laugh while crying
Who depends on so many
Who can't stand the business of life
Who wishes for the enteral sleep of death
Who has plucked the red rose of beauty and got wrapped in thorns
Who's tears has turned into cold blank pure snow that reflects everything
Who will never let someone in their heart
Who fears abandoment
Who must atone but can not and can not ever
Who wanders on earth looking for nothing
Who questions all that is told to be "right and wrong"
Who iived as a drone
Who's heart was like stone
Who wants to let someone in
Who is afraid of everything that surrounds her
Who had the veil of the innocence of a child lifted from her eyes
Who now can see the real filthy world
Who now lives in the dark
Who is afraid of being burned by the lights of the sparkles things prided on
Who can't stand herself
Who wonders why she was put on earth if she can only cause pain
Who wonders what it would like to be if she was asleep
Who will one day fall into a permtant dream