Depends on what you want tips on.
Personally, the kind of hacks I like are ones that aren't necessarily fully vanilla, or chocolate hacks, but any hacks that have a lot of levels with a lot of exist (anything with over 60 levels, or over 80 exits, but to a maximum possible of 120 exits (with
x levels and 120-
x secret exits, with a minimum of 60 stages all with secret exits, up to a maximum of 120 individual stages with no secret exits - you can't have more secret exits than levels (obviously because that doesn't make sense, since there has to be a level to have a secret exit, so more secret exits than levels is like having more worlds than levels, or maybe a post that has more words than letters
), also I love maps that have lots of secret exits with lots of different routes, especially if you have say a level in the second world that might take you to a level halfway through the fourth world, or maybe you might have a weird thing where you have a first world of about 4-5 levels, then a castle, then the fifth world might have a secret exit leading to a sixth stage in World 1. I think this was the case in one hack, where for example, say there was a secret exit from one of the Choco Island stages that lead to "Yoshi's Island 5".