I'ma Gonna come Out and Say it.

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Well, I was born in East Manchester, New Hampshire on February 15, 1986. My life was decent, except that my sister was a 4.1GPA little Miss Perfect and I was a Class-A--blam!--Up.

My father blew his brains out when I was 10, and Mom remarried almost 3 years later to a later abusive ex-NYC police officer.

Stress in the home made me lose my mind, but Kari (my sister) was completely un-affected, which pissed me off to a new level.

I adopted the "emo" lifestyle, fulfilling some of the stereotypes in the process (the cutting, the crying, and the clothing (also known as the "3C's of Emo"))

I had four suicide attempts; each one failing for multiple reasons. With my last one, (March 27, 2002 age; 16) I was half-drunk and asked if I could be excused from the dinner table, to use the restroom.

I went in, locked the door, attempted to OD on Tylenol, and slit my wrists. My parents found me unconscious on the floor, bleeding out.

I woke up in a hospital room, stitches on my wrists, and my mom (the only other one in the room) was sitting there waiting for me to wake up. When I did, she wasn't crying and she hadn't the whole time.

They tried to "turn me around"; my jack-ass of a step dad tried to get me to go to church, but gave up the 3rd time I ran away in the middle of a service.

Just as things were getting better, the abuse got worse. He broke my mom's arm; so I beat the living -blam!- out of him. He left a month-and-a-half later. Then they divorced 6 months after that.

I graduated high school with a 2.7GPA, and my sis (predictably) was valedictorian.

I'm 22 now, and attending the University of New Hampshire. Perfectly fine (as long as I take my meds.)
You skipped a few good parts
Sad to hear about the abusive step-father joining the family. But better tht your mom realized he didn't belong. most widows believe they'll never mary again, and will takwe the first guy who comes along, and stay with them no matter what. so that is good news, and seems things really turned around after that.

Good to see you've got bigger priorities now, and Good Luck in school.