In person or online.....?


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When doing your Christmas shopping, do you go inside a store to shop or do you shop online? Do you do a little of both?
A little of both. I like supporting businesses in my area more than others unless there's something I know I will never find without it like a New 2DS LL.
Mostly online, a bit in person to get gift cards. I'm not much of a crowd fighter really.

I'm not much of a crowd fighter either. That's why I do my Christmas shopping early.

I already have all my Christmas shopping done already. Now, I just have to wrap presents between now and Christmas.
Plus I hate waiting in lines, an hour to check out? Lol no.
I think it's part of the experience of being in a store with a bunch of people that all want to get out with some stuff. There really is no fun in wasting time but what else would you do with it?
I prefer buying gifts online because it is more convenient, and the prices of items are usually more affordable.
I do them both. I will not be able to get everything I need shopping either only online or in person offline.