Infinity Blade III Reborn Trailer for Apple iOS


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Official announcement trailer for ChAIR's Infinity Blade III, the epic conclusion to the Infinity Blade series. Coming to the App Store 9/18.
For a mobile game for iOS, Infinity Blade 3 looks great.
I'm still trying to beat the boss in the first game, lol.
I purchased the 2nd game while it was only 99 cents (or $2 - not sure but there was a sale). I must say, I love these games.

I might not purchase the 3rd right away. I'd prefer wait until I finish the first 2. Maybe around that time the game will get a discount.. heh...
I bet if you wait a few awhile, you might get Infinity Blade 3 for free like Infinity Blade 2 which was given away on the iOS birthday celebration, and other events.