Install Remix OS on any PC to run Android as a desktop operating system


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The developers of Remix OS have released two devices that ship with the software, a tablet and a mini desktop computer, and they’ve also made the software available to Chinese device makers such as Cube.

Now Jide wants to make it easy for anyone to install Remix OS on an existing computer. Starting January 12th you’ll be able to download an alpha version of Remix OS for PCs and install it on just about any system with an Intel or AMD chip.

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Remix OS operating system looks good for people with older Windows XP, and Vista computers with slower computer CPU, video cards and less RAM, and storage space, so they are too slow to run Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. This operating system also looks good for Windows 10, and 8.1 users who don't like 8.1 and 10.

Finally, there is a way to play games like Clash of Clans and Android apps like Snapchat and Instagram without using an Android emulator or virtual machine software to run on Windows, Linux, or Mac which can be slow.
I wonder how this OS behaves as far as privacy is concerned...

The OS privacy is probably similar to other Google Android devices from Samsung, LG, and HTC because I read on a blog posts that Google makes it a requirement for device makers to install YouTube, Hangouts, Google Plus, and other Google Apps as a requirement to use the Google Play App store on a smartphone, tablet, and other device.

If Jide also adds bloatware, and custom code which can use for tracking users to Remix OS, Remix OS may have more privacy concerns, and security problems like some Android devices which are vulnerable to getting hacked because the device maker added an insecure app, or custom codes/scripts to Android on their device.