Intel merges smartphone and PC divisions to better compete in mobile space


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INTEL HAS ANNOUNCED plans to merge its smartphone and tablet operations with its PC division in a bid to make the two businesses more efficient, and to further compete with rivals in the mobile semiconductor market.
Intel said that the changes are designed to "accelerate execution" in its current strategy and position it "to compete in an increasingly diverse and fast-changing computing market". The firm promised that no job losses will arise from the move.
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I guess this could mean that we would soon get computers which are like smartphones, and smartphones which are like computers if we buy devices with Intel Chips.
froggyboy604 said:
I guess this could mean that we would soon get computers which are like smartphones, and smartphones which are like computers if we buy devices with Intel Chips.
Other than potentially better smartphone with intel chips, I don't think this really means much at all.
hissae2 said:
Other than potentially better smartphone with intel chips, I don't think this really means much at all.
I agree, it probably won't mean much to the average buyer who buys PCs, and smartphones except for faster smartphones with Intel chips, and laptops with better battery life because mobile chips use less power to save battery life on smaller batteries on phones.

I think Intel mainly decided to merge PC and Mobile departments together to save money, and make sharing new research and development tech and information easier since they are now combined together into one department.