Intel: The year of the Linux desktop is here


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Summary: Intel CTO Dirk Hohndel sees Linux as the leading end-user operating systems - thanks to smartphones, tablets, as well as the rise of Google Chromebooks laptops.

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I agree with Intel opinion since Google Android is a version of Linux, and iOS/OS X is a modified version of UNIX which is almost like Linux.

Also, the Rasperry Pi, Google Chromebook, Arduino, and Ubuntu computers are mostly more affordable than New Windows computers, laptops, and tablets which can cost hundreds more because of the higher price of Windows 8 which cost between $99-199 depending on which version your computer come with.
I still think it's another 10 years before free OS like this is fully embraced.
Steam OS which is based on Linux which is a free OS could make Linux be embraced faster.

I think in places like China, Africa, South America, and Europe, the free Linux operating system is starting to be more embraced because a lot of computer users no longer trust The American Windows OS because of fears of the US Government using Windows to spy on Windows users after Edward Snowden released information about the NSA using American computer and internet companies to spy on internet users.

The price of Windows also cost $99-199 which is a lot of money for poorer people who may not be able to afford a computer with a paid operating system, or the Install disc for installing it on their home built PC.