Inuyasha The Final Act


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This anime airs tonight on toonami, anyone see it yet or looking forward to the dub?
I've been thinking about watching this one, but I wasn't sure. Not sure if I've completed all the earlier episodes, and it wouldn't feel right going in without doing that. Looks really good though. 
DearSweetAru said:
I've been thinking about watching this one, but I wasn't sure. Not sure if I've completed all the earlier episodes, and it wouldn't feel right going in without doing that. Looks really good though. 
you do need a good grasp of the story before watching this.
I would like to say that I have a good grasp of it, but there are even more episodes than I thought there were, and I am fairly certain I did not watch all of them. It probably won't hurt to go back, and watch them either way. This is probably a dumb question, but Is Inuyasha Final Act still an ongoing series or is it already completed? 