Iran agrees to stop arming Houthis in Yemen as part of deal with Saudi Arabia


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China brokered a peace deal between these two long time enemies in a big diplomatic win. Yemen war might start to finally end. Israel and USA will NOT be happy.
World could use more peace.
Iran is a evil country that murder its civilians, I don't believe a world from those wicked dictators.
I have brave friends from Iran who fight for democracy, and risk thier life every day.

In the picture: 18 Iranian children killed during brutal crackdown on youthful protests.

Iran is a evil country that murder its civilians, I don't believe a world from those wicked dictators.
I have brave friends from Iran who fight for democracy, and risk thier life every day.

In the picture: 18 Iranian children killed during brutal crackdown on youthful protests.

I know your type. You'd rather see the region in flames and perpetual war instead of negotiating and finding a compromise that goes against your state department's interests. And worse you carry the flag of human rights to justify your incessant war mongering. You can hate the regime of Iran and still celebrate when diplomacy prevails.

> Iran is a evil country that murder its civilians

What does that have to do with the peace deal? You'd be fine with another 300,000 dead Yemenis if it means sticking it to Iran then?

>I don't believe a world from those wicked dictators

And let me guess, you believe every word your state department puts out? We know the US government never lies. It's also in all their interests for this to actually happen.

>I have brave friends from Iran who fight for democracy, and risk thier life every day

Irrelevant. The regime came to power after a people's movement too. And considering they overthrow a western stooge who was a brutal dictator himself, Khomeni is at least someone loyal to Iran instead of western interests But what does this have to do with stopping the yemen war anyway? Stinks of virtue signaling to me.
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Burnsy Burnsy You are so naive :madlaugh:
The evil dictators of Iran don't represent the Iranian people but only suppress and murder them. The Iranian people want democracy and freedom! My friends prefer to die than to live under those terrible conditions, and they are doing everything they can to overthrow the regime. They are my heros, and we should all support their struggle.
Such crazy regine led by the butcher Khamenei doesn't want peace in Yemen but war. They won't stop till Yemen will be completly under Iranian control with their insane Shia ideology.
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Burnsy Burnsy You are so naive :madlaugh:
The evil dictators of Iran don't represent the Iranian people but only suppress and murder them. The Iranian people want democracy and freedom! My friends prefer to die than to live under those terrible conditions, and they are doing everything they can to overthrow the regime. They are my heros, and we should all support their struggle.
Such crazy regine led by the butcher Khamenei doesn't want peace in Yemen but war. They won't stop till Yemen will be completly under Iranian control with their insane Shia ideology.

A bunch of delusional ranting with no evidence, no logic, no knowledge of history. Only your own one dimensional world view that parrots US interests. Your narrative mirrors what was said about iraq before they got a full dose of freedom and democracy and trust me nobody wants any of that. The dictators of Iran have enough support on the ground to keep ruling so claiming "the people" don't want him is a straight up misrepresentation bordering on a lie. They've been killing protestors yes I know and yes lots of people hate the regime but domestic policy has nothing to do with foreign policy.

> Khamenei doesn't want peace in Yemen but war
Most delusional take of all. It's typical of brainwashed westerners who only watch their own propaganda media to blame the otherside for their own sins. The saudi Iran proxy war only serves US and Israeli interests at the expense of both the countries involved. It's not surprising they decide it's not worth it anymore. And I look forward to seeing your mental gymnastics with how being pro war is good but the guys brining peace are the evil dictators. But I've seen dumber stuff said by your type so I won't be surprised.
It is a FACT that they agreed to this and they're only going to benefit from this arrangement, If they wanted war they would have just not agreed to any talks.