Is a MicroSD Memory Card with a lot of storage recommended for Android Mobile Gaming?


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I think if you play a lot of big mobile games with 3D graphics, and a lot of levels, having a 64GB or larger MicroSD card is a good idea for gaming on Android on a smartphone or tablet.

But, if you just play a few smaller games like Angry Birds, the internal storage space on a Android smartphone or tablet is enough space for storing games.
I agree. I think for large mobile games, a MicroSD card would be a good idea. For smaller games, It'd probably be good just using internal storage. I have a 32GB MicroSD card in my tablet and phone, and don't have to worry too much about space.
Never hurts to have more than enough storage.
Yes, you are right. Having over 64GB of memory is a must if you're into mobile gaming. Even regular apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Kik and Skype, take a lot of space. If you want to use the basic apps and still have room for games, you need a lot of storage.