Is anime worth the money?


Suruga Monkey
I really, really, REALLY, want to start collecting anime (on dvd) but I am a little hesitant. Is it worth the money? If so, what would you reccomend to a novice anime collector? I was looking at One Piece and it looked pretty good.
anime is like anything else, many things are worth money while others are not. Just know that anime is not cheap and one piece is a HUGH series. You will most likely shove out $1000 to get all the seasons on dvd in the end.

It just comes down to what you like.
Demon_Skeith said:
anime is like anything else, many things are worth money while others are not. Just know that anime is not cheap and one piece is a HUGH series. You will most likely shove out $1000 to get all the seasons on dvd in the end.
It just comes down to what you like.
What series would you recomend I collect to get started?
If you're just interested in watching anime (and not owning it) then there are plenty of sites out there (Crunchyroll being one) that will let you watch for free. At the very least you can use them to see if you'd be interested in spending money to actually own the show on DVD. 

Though for really good anime... I like:
- Fate/Stay Night (fantasy), 
- Ghost in the Shell (sci-fi with cyborgs and androids), 
- Bleach (fantasy, shonen like One Piece) 
- Full Metal Alchemist (both 2003 and FMA:Brotherhood)
- Code Geass (Sci-fi/Fantasy mix with superpowers and giant robots) 

so those might be worth checking into.