Yes, canned compress air for cleaning electronics, and computers is too expensive at 10 dollars for a small can.
I also don't like canned air since the air is too cold, and it sometimes smell funny when I blow it out of the can... Plus, the can sometimes rust after a few years.
I bought a computer-grade blower/vacuum which uses electricity, so I never have to buy those ten dollar cans of air again, and I can use it to blow out other things like dust from my book shelf, house fans, ceiling fans, heaters, and table top. Plus, the blower looks very cool, and retro.
Costco usually sell them in bulk at ten dollars for a few cans, but I notice it is hard to understand how much air is inside since some cans used weight to describe the amount of air, and I think some air/gases might weigh more then others.
I read shipping canned air can take a long time, or is more expensive since it is a compress gas which can explode if heated, etc, so usually canned air is ship by ground.
I used to buy canned air, but I decided to buy a PC-grade Vacuum Blower which is specifically designed to clean out PC without the harmful effects of static like a regular vacuum since PC vacuum does not have a rubber belt, and I also don't have to worry about the cold air from the air mixing with hotter air from the outside which condensing to becoming a liquid which could rust or short circuit computer parts from the moisture.
I think one way to check and see how much is in there is to run warm on the out side of the can on the air pocket while it is turned on its side, if you turn it back right side up there should be condensation on the can and it should stop where the liquid on the inside does.
I am just taking a guess here, but I'll assume that is how you check since that is how you check the fuel level of a propane tank before you buy it in the store.
I usually just get the store brand brand since they all seem the same, and I don't think buying a more expensive brand will last longer.
My Canned air also freeze up where it can't hold it anymore, and the tip also gets frozen, so air isn't powerful enough after a few seconds of using it.
A electric blower is great for PCs, laptops, electronics, and stuff where you need to blow dust out of since they also have blower attachments with brushes, a narrow straw for cleaning tiny places, and a large straw for quickly blowing a lot of dust out of a case at once.