Is earning $100 on the internet hard for most young people?


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I think it is not too hard, but not very simple for most young person to earn $100. They can use eBay and Craigslist to sell some of their old stuff, or stuff like old computers, computer parts, and car parts which can be found in the trash, write a lot of blog articles on free blogging sites like Blogger, and Tumblr, and put ads, affiliate Amazon, and eBay links and personalized discount codes which pay them a percentage for each sale their link, or discount code help generate.

If someone don't want to do much manual work, they can use a computer to mine for Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies where they would eventually earn $100 dollars from mining cryptocurrencies.
Depends on how much you want to get your hands dirty/kinky on quickly making money.
Depends on how much you want to get your hands dirty/kinky on quickly making money.

This is true, dirty/kinky stuff can pay well, but can be unsafe.

People can also make money filming themselves doing dangerous tasks like stunts, and using their hand or feet to break pieces of wood, a block of ice, and a cement block if they know martial arts, and they are strong enough to break stuff. There are also some people who make money by recording themselves breaking electronics like game consoles, and smartphones.

I think if you have a sad story like "someone living in a broken car at the junkyard, and need money for food. ", some people may buy your products like T-shirts, artwork, or toys like keychains and handmade jewelry which you are selling online, so you have some money for food.
Doesn't have to be actual filming, I've seen people drawn nude photos for big $$$.

I think one of the best selling books recently is a kinky romance novel called 50 shades of gray which got turned into a movie which made a lot of money.

I think the writers of kinky films and comics make a lot of money since a good story can make a film very popular instead of just being another average or bad film with a bad story which fewer sales as digital downloaded video files, or on DVD/Blu-Ray discs which earns more than online ads which pay is less if you don't have enough views.
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i would like to make 100$ but it is hard though and because there isn't much a "faster way"
i would like to make 100$ but it is hard though and because there isn't much a "faster way"

Paid surveys, trying free apps and games, and watching a lot of online videos with advertisement on sites like Swagbucks can be a simple way to make $100. But, it can take a few months or years to reach $100 depending how much time you spend on the sites. You can use many sites like Swagbucks, Perk, Mypoints, Reward Shopping, and similar sites per day.

There are also sites like Hubpages, Wikinut, Blogspot, YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo where you can make money creating content like articles, and online video from ads which is a faster way to make money online, but require more work.