Okay, this probably goes into full blown conspiracy mode now. But... I read a very interesting point on another forum:
It made me wonder; is this social media fighting and stuff merely meant to distract people from actually changing the world for the better?
As in, is it engineered to turn people against each other and break up political opposition to those already in power? I did read somewhere before that someone in anti GamerGate was not quite as 'unprivileged' as they make themself out to be, and that they had connections with some powerful group or millionaire family...
Are Twitter, Facebook and the things that happen there meant to distract people from doing anything in the real world? Are things like the GamerGate controversy meant to split up those who might oppose one group or the other? Maybe even a local thing, like a certain amount of the games industry wanting the more 'active' gamers to fight each other rather than it.
Perhaps all this 'that guy is sexist'/'that game has no female characters'/etc stuff is merely a distraction designed to keep people from questioning anything else by wasting their time with pointless minor disagreements and local witch hunts...
Or maybe I'm going into full blown tinfoil hat mode. What you think?
That way you only see comments from people that agree with you, then you get this warped view of reality. So depending on how to lean (left or right) you only see viewpoints similar to your own.
This is just one of many ways people are divided against one another to distract from the real issues at hand. Sorry for going on a rant there...just wanted to make you aware that I don't think it's a project you can trust.
It made me wonder; is this social media fighting and stuff merely meant to distract people from actually changing the world for the better?
As in, is it engineered to turn people against each other and break up political opposition to those already in power? I did read somewhere before that someone in anti GamerGate was not quite as 'unprivileged' as they make themself out to be, and that they had connections with some powerful group or millionaire family...
Are Twitter, Facebook and the things that happen there meant to distract people from doing anything in the real world? Are things like the GamerGate controversy meant to split up those who might oppose one group or the other? Maybe even a local thing, like a certain amount of the games industry wanting the more 'active' gamers to fight each other rather than it.
Perhaps all this 'that guy is sexist'/'that game has no female characters'/etc stuff is merely a distraction designed to keep people from questioning anything else by wasting their time with pointless minor disagreements and local witch hunts...
Or maybe I'm going into full blown tinfoil hat mode. What you think?