Is it ridiculous when people think it is okay to stereotype their own race and culture?


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It is very dumb and offensive when people stereotype their own race and culture for profit or popularity and think it is okay.

A lot of people of the same race and culture worked really hard to overcome negative stereotypes which society think of their race like President Barrack Obama of the US and Martin Luther King Jr. who was a civil rights activist.

Many people of different cultures and races want to get rid of the negative stereotypes about their race and culture by working hard, and being the best they can be, and to have some person of the same race or culture make the stereotype popular again is lame.
While I agree, that it is wrong, especially when people do it to other races and cultures, I also think that for some who actually do so toward their own race culture, might simply be remarking on something that they have seen very often.

But even then, they could just say that said remark applies to the area that they live in or are spending a lot of time in, rather than the entire race or culture itself.
Indeed, I find it a better idea to talk about their neighborhood and family instead of their entire race since the internet, magazines, newspapers, and other media is changing how everyone acts and dress and it has less to do with how race and culture influence how people act.

I just hate it when colored people like Arabs, Blacks, etc get outcast by a small percentage own race and culture because people think they act too American.
well I can see where people might hate Americans, most of us are growing dumb by the day.
it's pretty much human nature to believe stereotypes at first because basically EVERYONE is stereotyped.
and if you're raised in a family where those stereotypes are used negatively, then you're probably gonna have a hard time trying to change your mind.
which is happening in a ton of families today in america.

so yuhh, not to be a rain cloud or anything but people are going to believe what they hear or what they want to hear. it's dumb, but again, it's human nature.
you just have to stand firm and not let it get to you. be the bigger person. ignore them. show them that you don't fit the stereotype they place on you. it does suck though. :\