Is it Rude and Annoying to Comment that a Video is Weird on YouTube and other video sites?


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I sometimes find it rude and annoying when people post comments about how a video is weird, or they reach the weird part of a video website like YouTube.

These weird comments don't add anything useful to the discussion of the video's topic on a website, and sometime can cause a lot of problems like making reading comments more frustrating if many people post the same comments calling a video weird. It may also start arguments in the video comment section between people who like the video and people who find the video weird which make the comment section less enjoyable to read through for people looking for useful comments to read.
I notice the comment sections on YouTube are getting better ever since Google Plus and YouTube were combined.

Maybe, YouTube should make a "weird" button which the channel owner can turn on or off as they like, so there would be fewer repetitive comments saying a video is weird. There would also be fewer short comments like "I like this video, "I dislike this video", "Thumbs up", "Thumbs down" and "This video is weird" which are not really helpful for people who want to talk about the videos' plot, characters, the videos music, story development and setting, or just read other comments which can be more useful.
ignore the youtube comments or view them as another source of lols. There is nothing else to them.
I think YouTube comment videos only work for some video channels with good comments, but may not work well for YouTubers with very few comments, and have a lot of short comments like nice, awesome, thanks, etc.

Making comment videos may not be the best use of your time if they are new video creator who want to increase the amount of quality videos on their channel.
Well, weird isn't a rude comment so I want to is not rude.
But people are, it's better to not say that....

It's not like we need to say it or anything.
Many people think Japanese TVCM is weird, but I think it is normal publicity.
It is not rude I think.
It can become annoying if there is many same comment.