Is motion controls for computers and electronics becoming less popular ?


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Yes, I feel motion controls is becoming less popular because using a mouse, keyboard, joystick, gamepad, and touchscreen is an easier way to control computers, electronics, and game consoles.

Plus, a lot of users rather just type, or use a mouse to control stuff than waving a wand, or their hands to control things.

Motion controls accuracy also don't seem as good as something like a mouse, keyboard, or stylus pen for a tablet.
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I'd say they've lost popularity in the last few years... Was big when the Wii came out, but it's still easier to use a controller/keyboard/etc.

I do think motion controls will gain popularity again with VR as it will feel more realistic.
motion controllers was fun during its time, but Nintendo had ridden the train all the way to the end and by the time Sony and MS and others jumped on it was already done.
Well, I am not so sure to be honest.
Some people talk about them too much and some people seem to hate them.
As for me, I have never used, I am neutral