Is owning a Highend Gaming PC a dream for a lot of PC owners even non-Gamers?


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Yes, I think if most people who get to pick any computer as their dream computer as a prize they won from a PC store, they would pick the fastest gaming computer available in the store instead of other types of computers like laptops since a high-end gaming computer can run all games in high quality and regular programs like video editors, web browsers, photoshop, and other programs faster than Apple PCs, Laptops, and tablets.
A gaming PC might be easier to use as well since they run faster, so they require less maintenance like Disk defrag, disk cleanup, and other similar tasks, so it does not slow down over time, and most good Gaming PC cases make it easy for people to clean their computer case of dust by just taking out the air filters, and using a brush to brush out the dust from the filters.

The parts in a Gaming PC usually last longer since the video card, RAM, CPU, and motherboard are the best quality, so replacing broken parts is less likely.

I'm sure there are programs, skins, themes, and desktop widgets which work on all Windows PC to make Windows even more easy to use, and a gaming PC also run Virtual PC software better and faster to run simple operating systems like Pupply Linux if they find Windows difficult to use.