At least, at this present moment before Ocarina of Time 3D, Paper Mario, Kid Icarus, etc come out?
Because my current intuition is that it is, and that Nintendo's making a mistake by assuming that hardware features sell consoles. Think about it. All the 3DS features seem to be designed on the assumption the 'novelty' will sell consoles.
You could definitely seem the intention. That the AR games/apps would be the next Wii Sports and cause another Wii type explosion in sales. That the 3DS would have instantly become the next big thing, because the DS and Wii did before it.
But they just seem to be missing that games matter. Hardware has never sold consoles alone (even less so add ons).Yet the console go barely any games at all for the first few months. If they wanted Wii level sales, supply a game that people want as much as Wii Sports with the 3DS.
Still, the console will probably succeed soon, it's just those first few weeks and months were such a wasted opportunity, and one that could have boosted demand for the system to untold levels.
Do you agree?
Because my current intuition is that it is, and that Nintendo's making a mistake by assuming that hardware features sell consoles. Think about it. All the 3DS features seem to be designed on the assumption the 'novelty' will sell consoles.
You could definitely seem the intention. That the AR games/apps would be the next Wii Sports and cause another Wii type explosion in sales. That the 3DS would have instantly become the next big thing, because the DS and Wii did before it.
But they just seem to be missing that games matter. Hardware has never sold consoles alone (even less so add ons).Yet the console go barely any games at all for the first few months. If they wanted Wii level sales, supply a game that people want as much as Wii Sports with the 3DS.
Still, the console will probably succeed soon, it's just those first few weeks and months were such a wasted opportunity, and one that could have boosted demand for the system to untold levels.
Do you agree?