Is the current generation of "gamers" killing the genre?


I mean, not for nothing, but it seems the past decade and then some the game quality has been going down, variety being less limited (in terms of play style; I.E. lots of Assassin's Creed clones and such), and everything has become a pissing contest or penis size contest, to put it as blunt and in perspective as possible.

I'm not a competitive gamer, I don't care about high scores, and F-ed-all if I give a rat's ass about leaderboards or crap like that. Maps are getting smaller and redundant in games (Resident Evil Revilations 2, Dragon Age: Inquisition's multiplayer mode, and Awesomenauts Assemble for example) which undoubtedly displays laziness on the part of the developers, in my opinion, and micro-transactions litter the games and marketplaces. The consumer has become the beta tester as well; games are riddled with bugs and errors and the developers simply wait for them to be announced on their own twitter feeds by those who play the games. Pay to Play has become Pay to Win in many cases, simply adding coal onto the shit fire the gaming industry burns from it all. and the worst part of it all? I honestly don't see it getting any better because people actually buy this bullcrap, therefor, so long as people eat this shit up, then it is not going to get any better. Because, you know, we need another 35 FPS games in the Call of duty license every 3 years, or 75 games that play like Assassin's Creed or God of War, thus sullying the originality of those games. Why bother making anything new and original when we can simply copy ideas created by others and sell it as our own?

I understand how businesses work, and I am not blaming the developers for Supply and Demand-style marketing. I'm blaming the consumer sheeple for buying into this low-brow BS rather than making a stand for themselves and refusing to pay into it; like all of those who paid for Destiny and got only a fraction of what was promised them and then went ahead and bought the first DLC, which was exactly that which was promised to be released in the initial package. Rather than press False Advertisement and demand it free, they simply dropped another 20.00 for a VERY SMALL addition to an already $60.00 game on top of PS Plus / Xbox Live Gold membership costs and internet charges to play it online.

Anyone else feel similar?
I honestly suspect the gaming industry may crash within the next few years or so, at least if it continues in its current direction. The way games are going at the moment just isn't sustainable.
I honestly suspect the gaming industry may crash within the next few years or so, at least if it continues in its current direction. The way games are going at the moment just isn't sustainable.
I'm glad I'm not the only one concerned. Seriously. Facebook-style games have ruined gaming development, in my opinion. I'm sick of people classifying themselves as "gamers" simply because "I play Candy Crush and Angry Birds".
It's the freemium stuff you should be more worried about. You cannot build a long term business by trying to milk a few customers for thousands and then giving it away to everyone else for free.

Unfortunately, that's the road everyone is going down.
i agree entirely, especially since they gave kojima castlevania and ruined what was arguably their best license via doing so. Glad he's gone, honestly.
I'm glad I'm not the only one concerned. Seriously. Facebook-style games have ruined gaming development, in my opinion. I'm sick of people classifying themselves as "gamers" simply because "I play Candy Crush and Angry Birds".

Yeah, those games are pretty terrible, but at the same time, I don't imagine that the creators of those games have nearly as much leeway to work around with (i.e. funds/publicity/etc) that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft do as gaming companies. So from a business perspective, I can forgive them for doing it, simply to make a profit. I don't like it one bit, and it's definitely not helping the gaming industry that much. Everyone's gotta find a way to eat though, and that's probably helping them out a great deal.
Yeah, those games are pretty terrible, but at the same time, I don't imagine that the creators of those games have nearly as much leeway to work around with (i.e. funds/publicity/etc) that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft do as gaming companies. So from a business perspective, I can forgive them for doing it, simply to make a profit. I don't like it one bit, and it's definitely not helping the gaming industry that much. Everyone's gotta find a way to eat though, and that's probably helping them out a great deal.

You took what I said completely out of context lol I merely meant that those phone-style games being so cheap and available have made non-gamers get all uppity and consider themselves actual gamers. The other point I was making is that they are all clones of one another and lack in variety or are flat-out stolen concepts with little to nothing changed from them whatsoever (don't even get me started on the shitfest of a company that is Zynga).

this summarizes my point completely.

You took what I said completely out of context lol I merely meant that those phone-style games being so cheap and available have made non-gamers get all uppity and consider themselves actual gamers. The other point I was making is that they are all clones of one another and lack in variety or are flat-out stolen concepts with little to nothing changed from them whatsoever (don't even get me started on the shitfest of a company that is Zynga).

this summarizes my point completely.

Lol well those are just some more nails in the coffin then, now aren't they? :P
I'll definitely agree that the quality of games seems to be going downhill at a rather saddening rate. As I've got older, the number of games that I've had a "I must get this" reaction to decrease, and it's not because I'm less of a gamer…anyone who knows me can vouch for that. Instead, I find myself replaying old games more than enjoying new ones. Even some of my favorite series, such as Zelda, haven't delivered in the same way in recent years…Skyward Sword was a disappointment on many levels, and I haven't enjoyed a handheld Zelda game since the GBA. Link Between Worlds was the closest to being something I would consider a good game, but it was so easy the risk/reward system of the items was completely wasted on me. There are exceptions of course, as some games do come out to be gems, but on the whole I feel we're seeing a decrease in those because of the widening demographic of people who call themselves gamers. The industry tries to please everyone, and they're going to wind up pleasing no one in the end if this keeps up. Unfortunately, I can't see anyone wising up to this in time. Some companies are going to crash, others are going to survive, but it's going to be rough.
I agree 100% to the examples you gave, by the way. I feel the same way, accept for me I haven't enjoyed a console Zelda since Ocarina of Time either.