Is the real question about the PS4 and Xbox One how they'll sell in 2014?


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Because while I have seen quite a few comments about how the systems have so many pre-orders or whatever else, I have to remind people one thing:

How a console sells in the first week or so has nothing to do with how it sells in the long run. Heck, every single system ever made sold at least somewhat decent in the first few weeks or months, simply because it sold to tech geeks and the types of early adopters who seem to buy every new system just to be 'cool' rather than because they think it's a worthwhile purchase. Or hardcore Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony/whatever fans.

No, the real interesting point will be whether these consoles can sell after the huge initial burst of hype has died down. Whether they can sell to Joe Average and the hordes of families and typical consumers from all across the world who don't give a toss about internet gaming journalism or fancy tech. The 3DS initially didn't (until the price cut). The Wii U hasn't in general (and might be saved by the big name titles coming this year) and the scary thing about these other new systems is they're still basically unknowns.

Or in other words, will the 'once a year' Call of Duty or Madden/FIFA buyer get an Xbox One or a PS4? Will the more skeptical/on the fence 'hardcore' gamers get one?

That's the real question to ask.

Anyone else agree?