Is There A FB Game None of Your Friends Play?


Well-Known Member
Most of the online games that I play are via facebook, such as Candy Crush, Pet Saga and so on. However, whereas these two are very  popular and almost all of my friends play it (so it's easy when you need a life or something else), there are also games that no one among my friends likes, such as Voyage to Fantasy, Castleville and Family Farm. I gave up on playing Voyage because I had to wait for the lives to "fill up" and if I didn't have all stars, I couldn't pass to the next level: I needed friends to unlock the episode for me... and who would, when no one played it? 

It's a little different  with Family Farm as they have the "community" option where you can add people to be your neighbours from all over the world and you don't have to add them as your friends. This was extremely useful, however, the limit for community neighbours is 50 people. This is why I rarely go to the Family Farm. Castleville had potential, but I never got serious about it. Again, I  was the only one and from the very beginning, you had to have friends to get bonus items, build things and so on!

For a time, I also used to play Fashland. I did like it, it was entertaining, but the major reason why I was playing it was because of my best friend: she was playing it and she had no one else there, so I tagged along for about two months or so. We both stopped at about the same time.

What about you? Is there a game in which you're completely alone and you wish your friends would join you? Did you ever start playing a game because a friend asked you to?
When I used to have Facebook I played Triviador. I didn't want any of my friends to join me though (I don't know if they could join me anyway).

It's not another "-ville" game or one in which you simply click on things. It's a general knowledge game, so it won't appeal to people who don't like such games.
And I have no idea if it's still active. :p
I haven't heard about that one, but I used to play Geo Challenge, while it was still active. It was always my mum against me and we were constantly competing over who got more flags correctly or capitals, things like that. It was very fun for awhile.

There is one more website. As you as a fan of checking your general knowledge, you might like it:

Here, as you'll see if you click on the link, you can choose in between several categories, including languages (German, Spanish, Latin, English...). But not just languages, there's also mathematics (basics, really, I've tried it out), chemistry, humanities... it will keep you entertained for awhile. I hope you will like it. Our English teacher recommended it to us a few years back, for vocabulary practice. I'd completely forgotten about it until recently when yet another teacher mentioned it at college... I think I've also created an account, but I can't remember its name... Anyway, check it out! 