I had to leave work early yesterday cause I... well to not gross everyone out... had the symptoms of a stomach bug. I went home and rested and such and just got up, about 24-hours after the symptoms started and I feel fine, other than being very thirsty and hungry. The couple other times I've gotten a stomach bug it's lasted at least 3 days.
So have any of you guys have a stomach bug for only 1 day? Maybe it was mild food poisoning?
Yeah, I've had the 24-hour one several times throughout my life. It lasts for about a day and then you are usually better. It has a differant than the regular stomach flu, which lasts longer.
I've had a 24-hour stomach bug a few times. Probably more 24-hour bugs then 2+ day ones. Pretty nice to just get it over with in a short period of time. Not really sure the cause, possibly could be food poisoning.