Is this true?

What's true is that in forty-eight hours, you and I are going to have more money than God. And Mr. Bond here will have a small memorial service, with only Moneypenny and a few tearful restaurateurs in attendance.

ITT: Post random "Bond" quotes (not just him, but anything from the films), or whatever. I'm bored.
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I like my James Bond quotes shaken, not stirred.
(That's pretty much all the James Bond quotes I know besides "The name's Bond.")
I'm going to say something that could be somewhat very true about the above post.
Every single character that has ever been in any film since the beginning of films around 1888, on this planet that can speak English, will have said Hello! at least once during the film.
I'm going to say something that could be somewhat very true about the above post.
Every single character that has ever been in any film since the beginning of films around 1888, on this planet that can speak English, will have said Hello! at least once during the film.

Knowledge?! Thank you for this valuable knowledge, TUK! I will treasure it forever.
What pity, Mr Bond!
What? I don't lose! I never lose! Well at least tell me the details of your plot for world domination!

Wait, do butchered quotes from Family Guy scenes which parody James Bond count?