Is voice recognition for texting a good idea?


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No, I do not think it be a good idea to make it possible to make a cell phone type in letters to text a msg to someone since it be very annoying having someone say L-O-L, instead of typing it. Plus, people end up making a text that is too long to read since some people talk too much already.
QUOTE (NBK*Twitch @ October 07, 2009 12:51 pm) It could bring back proper English.(I know thats a fucking long shot)
Thats a real fucking longshot twitch
QUOTE (Stosh @ October 07, 2009 01:08 pm) QUOTE (NBK*Twitch @ October 07, 2009 12:51 pm) It could bring back proper English.(I know thats a fucking long shot)
Thats a real fucking longshot twitch
so damn long that even the guy in stosh's avy couldn't hit it with the worlds longest range rifle.

but I see programs out that allows people to do this, but really I doubt it be all that great to use.
Meh, one problem that I see clearly is the fact that some people don't talk clearly. Like people with accents or people who talk too fast, I don't think we're ready to perfect a system like that yet.
I'm sure the technology for it is already out there, but anyone who has ever tried to use of those those voice recognition programs for typing knows they are very flawed. I have a friend that is blind, so she uses them and a lot of her stuff comes up mispelled or completely wrong.

So they definintely wouldn't bring back correct grammar.