Items from past Zelda games you want brought back?


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Are there any? And if so, what ones?

I personally want to see some of the items from Link to the Past or the like in 3D. Like the Fire and Ice Rods. Or the magic spells. The Pegasus Boots. Or that Roc's Feather/Cape item which has appeared in a few 2D Zelda games I can't remember the names of.

Are there any 2D Zelda game items you want to see brought to 3D?
Magic, Ball and Chain and Mirror Shield.
um, how about all of them? DUH! and Roc's Feather appeared in Link's Awakening and DX, while if you meant Magic Cape, that appeared in A Link To The Past.

but all items you said Nin3DS i heavily agree with, but i still want all items ever seen in one Zelda game.
The poor Spinner from Twilight Princess that only served one purpose and became disposable. Also Roc's Feather in a 3D game would be kind of cool.
Magnetic gloves/iron boots. I think this kind of tool could be utilized much more than it was in the Oracle games/Twilight Princess both offensively and as a means of exploration.

Also, maybe some of the medallion magic from Link to the Past. It is pretty awesome when you get to destroy a whole screen of enemies.
I don't think it was in much games besides NES Zelda, But I definitely would enjoy upgrades in items. Not just increase in max amount in arrows or bombs (Don't get me wrong, those are awesome), but also upgrades to the weapons themselves, that deal more damage and pierce stronger enemy armor.