It's going to be a long day....


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Just got up a little while ago and I am so tired. I work retail and I had close last night. Now I'm up early because I have to open this morning. I don't mind closing and I don't mind opening. I just don't like it all when I have to close then turn right back around and open the very next morning. It takes me a while to go to wind down so that I can go to sleep after I close so I have to watch tv or read for a while before I get tired enough to be able to go to sleep. That's exactly what's wrong with me this morning. I'm tired from not getting enough sleep during the night and I'm probably going to be dragging the whole day at work.

Sorry. Thank you for letting me rant.
I pretty much work the same type of job and you don't see me complaining :P

but I understand your pain, I get a few close to opens and they are a real pain because I come home and have no time to do anything and I simply can't get to sleep much before 6 hours before I have to get back up. It just sucks. Though if you like a good laugh, may I recommend this guy:

He's a retail guy like us and I promise one of his videos will make you laugh hard.
He forgot to mention the horrors of having to clean a public restroom. Having to deal with customers is one thing, however, I can tell you some horror stories of cleaning a public restroom that will make even the most hardcore individuals with an iron stomach want to puke.
He forgot to mention the horrors of having to clean a public restroom. Having to deal with customers is one thing, however, I can tell you some horror stories of cleaning a public restroom that will make even the most hardcore individuals with an iron stomach want to puke.

I'm lucky to not have to deal with that, yet at least.
I am so sorry to hear that.
I hope you will have better sleep in the future.
May be you could get someone who would either close or open the shop for you?