Japan Game system sales as of 7/30/10


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* PSP - 28,747
* Nintendo DSi LL - 24,189
* Wii - 21,092
* PlayStation 3 - 19,420
* Nintendo DSi - 18,202
* Xbox 360 - 6,056
* Nintendo DS Lite - 5,059
* PlayStation 2 - 1,475
* PSP go - 831

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I heard the Dreamcast was pretty good. It has pretty good games like Crazy Taxi. It just did not have enough third-part games, and the console kind of cost too much.
@DS I highly suggest you try it out. It is a very good and fun system.
@Froggy It did have many good 1st party games, but lacked 3rd party. And it did cost quite a bit.

I wish I still had my Dreamcast... My cousin dropped it, then... well, let's just say I was screaming my ass off at him.
how much are they going for and do you have any recommendations?
It all depends. I look through eBay once ın awhıle, and I fınd some for about $50, but I also fınd for $10. I usually use the Buy ıt Now optıon, and you can fınd them for around $20. I would pay up to $50, but that`s me. I suggest not payıng more than $30. And games I can suggest are Crazy Taxı, Sonıc Adventure, Sonıc Adventure 2, Crazy Taxı 2, Tomb Raıder games, Toy Story 2, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, Guılty Gear X, and a few others. There aren`t to many good games, but the fun ones are awesome.