Is that for 2010? And PSP in first? lol PSP Go is dead last with 800 sales.![]()
lol Sony made a really bad move with the Go.If you want to say fail now and days just say PSP go![]()
lol Sony made a really bad move with the Go.
I thought the Dreamcast was good, but the majority of people didn't...I really think the go is just ahead of it's time. In the future it could be a big thing, but now it's a fail like huh..... the sega dream cast I think.
I thought the Dreamcast was good, but the majority of people didn't...
@DS I highly suggest you try it out. It is a very good and fun system.
Well, they are bringing Dreamcast games to the PSN... so try them through there.I'm afraid if I ever go back in time to play a consoles it would be for the N64.
Well, they are bringing Dreamcast games to the PSN... so try them through there.It's better that way, because the Dreamcast controller was sh*t... One of the cons of it.
It all depends. I look through eBay once ın awhıle, and I fınd some for about $50, but I also fınd for $10. I usually use the Buy ıt Now optıon, and you can fınd them for around $20. I would pay up to $50, but that`s me. I suggest not payıng more than $30. And games I can suggest are Crazy Taxı, Sonıc Adventure, Sonıc Adventure 2, Crazy Taxı 2, Tomb Raıder games, Toy Story 2, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, Guılty Gear X, and a few others. There aren`t to many good games, but the fun ones are much are they going for and do you have any recommendations?