Ill never understand why people have to say stupid shit like this when it comes to video games. The kid could be doing far worse like selling drugs or getting in trouble with the police.
It would be an immense impossibility to say beating Tetris is not a life goal. There is an intensely large number of people who will wish to be this kid because it takes such an insane amount of reaction time and technique that even a very skilled person, would be physically and mentally impossible to do the very same thing this kid has done. It saddens me to know that the real world is unforgiving. They will not give you any credit for your work because it does not provide value to the average person. Of whom seek to devalue your ability to treat your passions or even desired occupations with respect by paying them less or not at all.
It always annoys me when I hear someone say to a gamer "Go outside" how do you know they are not playing video games for reasons such as mental health or even to keep out of trouble?
Some really do need to think before they speak but I feel with the stigma around video games, this will be something we will continue to hear.
There can be 2 sides. While it's great to beat a game which is extremely hard to do, I do agree that we need fresh air & to be outside. Too many kids are on their phones & playing games. I think that's what the lady was referring to the most. I can see if one needs it for income & for mental health, but then what happens if the Wi-fi goes out & there's no electricity? Some people don't know what to do with their lives & need a balance of online & offline.