Judging somebody intelligence based on how their voice sounds


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I seen a lot of rude comments on YouTube and other social networks where people call other people retarded, "you sound gay like a girl", brainless or dumb based on how their voice in their video or sound clips. However, a lot of the time the rude comment has spelling and grammar problems like using "your instead of you're".

Making fun of people voices also takes place in Elementary, High School, College, and some workplaces where people make fun of foreigners, people with speech problems, and mutes(people who have no voices), and call them dumb, retarded, brainless, etc.

But, the video owner made a video which was informative, so the owner is not dumb because a dumb person can not make a video about "computer programming, fixing a car, comedy, music, gaming etc" since it takes time, effort, and intelligence to plan, edit, add special effects and promote a video.

A lot of the time I feel bullies do this out of jealousy since they do not know how to do something, or can't do what others can do, so they make fun of their victim's voices to feel better about themselves.
It's stupid for the reasons you two described. My voice happens to be more high and "squeaky" than the average 18-year-old, but that has no reflection on my intelligence, social status, etc. Don't judge a book by its cover! ;)
I have a higher voice than most guys my age, however, I'm more athletic and smarter than most of them. Like Trombones13 said, don't judge a book by it's cover.
Omg I really hate that... No matter how wise or intelligent you are, you are classified as an idiot or otherwise stupid person if you speech is somewhat funny. And the same happens if you're just shy and don't talk very often. Uggh.
To be honest, when I meet someone for the first time, 99% of the people would say I have a sweet voice and the other 1% would say, my voice is plan weird. I don't really get it all that much.
I don't like how people can say stuff like that. If it's a compliment then it's fine ....otherwise it's better to keep their opinions to themselves.
It's hard to not judge. People judge, it's in our nature. Some form of protection as in knowing which people to associate with or not associate with. It's hard not to stem away from that root. I'm pretty guilty of judging people by voice as well. That being said. There's a difference between judging whilst respecting that other person as morally expected and being downright a dick about it. No one needs that toxicity in their lives. But sadly they'll always be around.