Kaiju summon schedule


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starting tomorrow (6/28/10) we will summon normal kaiju every other day upon their defeat. So if we summon tomorrow and kill it on the same day then we will summon on Wednesday. If or when we summon on Wednesday and it takes two days to kill then we would summon on Saturday. We will do this as long as we have the resources.

Starting on 7/12/10 we will summon a major kaiju every Monday. Possibly Tuesday pending on the normal summon kaiju status or a random wonder in.

If you got any questions make sure to ask.
Just curious if we can push the Mkai summoning to every weds instead, due to monday and tues being the best possible TACO farming days, if I need to I'll even give 25% of every drop i get to the store house (11 Tacos per)